They can help us in our research…
Did you know?
– Touch within the nuclear family is a key predictor of children’s lasting expression of positive emotions
– In humans, 65% of face-to-face interactions between caregiver and infant involve tactile communication,
Social & Food
Did you know?
– Very first lies are observed from the age of 2!
-To be able to accept a food that was initially offered, the child must taste it between 10 and 15 times.
Did you know?
-Around 5 years old, children discover that numbers continue to infinity.
– From birth, babies know how to differentiate between small and large quantities.

Did you know?
– Learning 2 languages does not cause a language delay.
– At 5 months the baby knows how to recognize his first name.
Motor skills & Action
Did you know?
– From birth, newborns are able to move quadrupedally to the maternal breast.
– The fetus more often sucks the thumb of the hand with which, as a child, it wrote.
Did you know?
– Newborns can visually recognize an object they have just touched.
– Babies can tell the difference between colours from 4 monthe of age.