Clémentine Garric
Research – Hospital Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild

My work aim to bridge the gap between theoretical neuroscience models developed within our team (INCC) and their practical application in clinical settings for patients with neurological disorders (Hopital Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild). These studies involve both patients with acquired (i.e. post-stroke patients, Parkinson’s disease, …) and developmental disorders (epilepsy, ASD, ADHD).
A project developed between the BabyLab and the hospital involves, for example, the study of oculomotor behaviors in various populations of children: those with typical development, autism spectrum disorder, or cerebral visual impairment. The development of a new objective measure in eye-tracking of visual functions represents a potential clinical tool to refine the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Ongoing project
Selected Publications
– Garric C., Wamain Y., Rouland J.-F., & Lenoble Q. (2023) Glaucoma-associated differences in cortical activity during a visuocognitive task. Clinical Neurophysiology. 156, 47-56. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2023.09.012. PMID: 37866076.
– Potdevin D., Adibpour P., Garric C., Somogyi E., Dehaene-Lambertz G., Rämä P., Dubois J. & Fagard J. (2023). Brain lateralization for language, vocabulary development and handedness at 18 months. Symmetry, 15(5), 989.
– Derrien D., Garric C., Sergent C., & Chokron S. (2022). The nature of blindsight: implications for current theories of consciousness. Neuroscience of Consciousness, Volume 2022, Issue 1.
– Garric C., Rouland J.-F., & Lenoble Q. (2021). Glaucoma and Computer Use : Do contrast and color enhancements improve visual comfort in patients ? Ophthalmology Glaucoma, 1–10.
– Garric C., Sebaa A., Caetta F., Perez C., Savatovsky J., Sergent C., & Chokron S. (2019). Dissociation between objective and subjective perceptual experiences in a population of hemianopic patients: A new form of blindsight? Cortex, 117, 299–310.