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de Hevia, M.D. & Nava, E. (2024). Intuitive mapping between non-symbolic quantity and observed action across development. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 237, 105758.

de Hevia, M.D. & Streri, A. (under review). Multisensory Perceptual Tuning. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Oxford University Press.

de Hevia, M.D. & Viarouge, A. (to appear). Évolution des capacités de calcul chez les enfants. Dans ‘Le calcul dans tous ses états’, CNRS Editions.

De la Cruz-Pavia, I., Hegde, M., Cabrera, L., & Nazzi, T. (2024). Normal hearing infants’ abilities to segment word forms from spectrally degraded speech in the first year of life. Developmental Science, e13533.

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Decarli G., Piazza M. & Izard V., 2023. Are infants’ preferences in the change detection paradigm driven by sequence patterns?, Infancy 28 (2), 206-217.

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Piot, L., Nazzi, T. & Boll-Avetisyan, N. (2024). Infants’ sensitivity to phonotactic regularities related to perceptually low-salient fricatives: a cross-linguistic study. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1367240;; hal-04550368v1

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Ayaz, Hasan, Baker, Wesley B, Blaney, Giles, Boas, David A, Bortfeld, Heather, Brady, Kenneth, Brake, Joshua, Brigadoi, Sabrina, Buckley, Erin M, Carp, Stefan A, Cooper, Robert J, Cowdrick, Kyle R, Culver, Joseph P, Dan, Ippeita, Dehghani, Hamid, Devor, Anna, Durduran, Turgut, Eggebrecht, Adam T, Emberson, Lauren L, Fang, Qianqian, Fantini, Sergio, Franceschini, Maria Angela, Fischer, Jonas B, Gervain, Judit, Hirsch, Joy, Hong, Keum-Shik, Horstmeyer, Roarke, Kainerstorfer, Jana M, Ko, Tiffany S, Licht, Daniel J, Liebert, Adam, Luke, Robert, Lynch, Jennifer M, Mesquida, Jaume, Mesquita, Rickson C, Naseer, Noman, Novi, Sergio L, Orihuela-Espina, Felipe, O’Sullivan, Thomas D, Peterka, Darcy S, Pifferi, Antonio, Pollonini, Luca, Sassaroli, Angelo, Sato, João Ricardo, Scholkmann, Felix, Spinelli, Lorenzo, Srinivasan, Vivek J, St Lawrence, Keith, Tachtsidis, Ilias, Tong, Yunjie, Torricelli, Alessandro, Urner, Tara, Wabnitz, Heidrun, Wolf, Martin, Wolf, Ursula, Xu, Shiqi, Yang, Changhuei, Yodh, Arjun G, Yücel, Meryem A, Zhou, Wenjun (2022). Optical imaging and spectroscopy for the study of the human brain: status report. Neurophotonics, doi: 10.1117/1.NPh.9.S2.S24001

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Bengochea M., Sitt J., Izard V., Preat T., Cohen L., & Hassan B., 2023. Numerical discrimination in Drosophila melanogaster, Cell Reports 42(7), 112772.

Berdasco-Muñoz, E., Biran, V., & Nazzi, T. (2023). Probing the impact of prematurity on segmentation abilities in the context of bilingualism. Brain Sciences, 13, 568.

Berent, I., Gervain, J. 2023. “Speakers aren’t blank slates (with respect to sign-language phonology)!”. Cognition.

Bourgaux, L., de Hevia, M.D., & Charras, P. (2023). Spatio-numerical mapping in 3D: is horizontal mapping the best candidate? Experimental Psychology.

Cabrera, L. & Lau, B. (2022). The development of auditory temporal processing during the first year of life. Hearing, Balance and Communication, 20(3), 155-165.

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Coricelli. C., Rioux, C., & L. Torri (2023). Food cognition: the crossroads of psychology, neuroscience and nutrition. Frontiers in Nutrition, 10, 1194053.

de Hevia, M.D. & Nava, E. (In press). Intuitive mapping between non-symbolic quantity and observed action across development. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

DeCarli G, Piazza M, Izard V. Are infants’ preferences in the number change detection paradigm driven by sequence patterns?. Infancy, 2023, 28 (2), pp.206-217.

de la Cruz Pavía, I, Eloy, C, Perrineau-Hecklé, P, Nazzi, T & Cabrera, L. (2023), Consonant bias in adults’ lexical processing under acoustically degraded listening conditions. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America-Express Letter, 3(5), 055206.

de la Cruz-Pavìa, I., Gervain, J. 2023. “Six-month-old infants’ perception of structural regularities in speech”. Cognition. 238: 105526

Dumuids-Vernet M-V, Forma V, Provasi J, Anderson D.I, Hinnekens E, Soyez E, Strassel M, Guéret L, Hym C, Huet V, Granjon L, Calamy L,  Dassieu G, Boujenah L, Dollat C, Biran V and Barbu-Roth M (2023) Stimulating the motor development of very premature infants: effects of early crawling training on a mini-skateboard. Frontiers in Pediatrics  DOI 10.3389/fped.2023.119801P

Gemignani, J., de la Cruz-Pavía, I., Martinez, A., Nallet, C., Pasquini, A., Lucarini, G., Cavicchiolo, F., Gervain, J. 2023. “The reproducibility of infant fNIRS studies: a meta-analytic approach”. Neurophotonics.

Gervain, J., Minagawa, Y., Emberson, L., Lloyd-Fox, S. 2023. “Using fNIRS to Study the Early Developing Brain: Future Directions and New Challenges”. Neurophotonics. 10(2): 023519, doi: 10.1117/1.NPh.10.2.023519

Guéret L, Hinnekens E et Barbu-Roth M (2023). Une intervention précoce Premalocom 2 avec les parents pour stimuler la marche quadrupède de leurs grands prématurés Enfance, vol 4, pp 381 à 402 (lien)

Hegde, M., Nazzi, T., & Cabrera, L. (2023). An auditory perspective on phonological development in infancy. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1321311; doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1321311

Highton, D., Boas, D., Minagawa, Y., Mesquita, R. C., Gervain, J. 2023. “Thirty Years of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy”. Neurophotonics. 10(2): 023501.

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Kalashnikova, M., Singh, L., Tsui, A.S.M., Burnham, D., Cannistraci, R., Chen, H., Chin, N.B., Feng, Y., Gisvold, A.K., Götz, A., Gustavsson, L., Hay, J., Höhle, B., Kager, R.,de Klerk, M., Lai, R., Liu, L., Marklund, E., Nazzi, T., Picaud, A., Schwarz, I.-C., Tsao, F.-M., Wewalaarchichi, T.D. Wong, P.C.M., & Woo, P.-J. (2023, minor revision). The development of tone discrimination in infancy: Evidence from a cross-linguistic, multi-lab report. Developmental Science. DOI: 10.1111/desc.13459

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Mariani, B., Nicoletti, G., Barzon, G., Ortiz Barajas, M. C., Shukla, M., Guevara, R., Suweis, S.S., Gervain, J. 2023. “Prenatal experience with language shapes the brain”. Science Advances. 9, eadj352.

Martinez-Alvarez, A., Gervain, J., Koulaguina, E., Pons, F., de Diego-Balaguer, R. 2023. “Prosodic cues enhance infants’ sensitivity to non-adjacent regularities”. Science Advances. 9(15).

Mascaro O., Goupil, N., Pantecouteau, H., Depierreux, A., Van der Henst, J.B., & Claidière, N. (2023). Human and animal dominance hierarchies show a pyramidal structure guiding adults and infants social inferences. Nature Human Behaviour.

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Streri, A., & de Hevia, M.D. (2023). How do human newborns come to understand the multimodal environment? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.


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Bulf, H., Capparini, C., Nava, E., de Hevia, M.D., & Macchi Cassia, V. (2022). Space modulates cross-domain transfer of abstract rules in infants. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 213, 105270.

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2012 - 2010


Bernard CGervain J. (2012). Prosodic cues to word order: what level of representation?Frontiers in Psychology, 3, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00451.

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Chapelain A, Laurence A, Vimond M, Fagard J, Vauclair J, Blois-Heulin C. (2012). Hand preference and its flexibility according to the position of the object: a study in cercopithecines examining spontaneous behavior and an experimental task (the Bishop QHP task)Animal Cognition, 15, 937-953.

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Coulon MHemimou CStreri A. (2012). Effects of seeing and hearing vowels on neonatal facial imitation. Infancy18(5), 782-796.

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de Hevia MD, Vanderslice M, Spelke ES. (2012). Cross-dimensional mapping of number, length and brightness by preschool children. PLoS One7(4) (PDF)

Dulin D, Hatwell Y, Chokron S. (2012). Haptic Learning of Spatial Concepts: Can Raised- Line Drawings Improve Blind People’s Spatial Capacity?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied,, in press.

Esseilly R, Fagard J. (2012). Un bébé peut-il apprendre d’un autre bébé?. Enfance, 64, 85-95.

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Gervain J, Berent I, Werker J F. (2012). Binding at birth: the newborn brain detects identity relations and sequential position in speech. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24, 564-574. (PDF)

Gervain J, Guevara R. (2012). The statistical signature of morphosyntax: A Study of Hungarian and Italian Infant-Directed Speech. Cognition, 125, 236-287. (PDF)

Gervain J, Werker JF. (2012). Learning Non-Adjacent Regularities at 7 months. Journal of Child Language, doi:10.1017.

Gonzalez-Gomez N, Nazzi T. (2012). Acquisition of non-adjacent phonological regularities in the first year of life: Evidence from a perceptual equivalent of the labial-coronal effect. Infancy, 17, 498–524. (PDF)

Gonzalez-Gomez NNazzi T. (2012). Phonotactic acquisition in healthy preterm infants. Developmental Science, 15, 885–894. (PDF)

Graignic-Philippe R, Dayan J, Chokron SJacquet A-Y, Tordjman S. (2014). Effects of prenatal stress on fetal and child development: a critical litterature review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 43, 137-162.

Grandgeorge M, Tordjman S, Lazartigues A, Lemonnier E, Deleau M, Hausberger M. (2012). Does pet arrival trigger empathy in youngsters with autism?. PLos One, 7(8).

Macchi Cassia V, Picozzi M, Girelli L, de Hevia MD. (2012). Increasing magnitude counts more: asymmetrical processing of ordinality in 4-month-old infants. Cognition124(2), 183-193. (PDF)

Musel B, Chauvin A, Guyader N, Chokron S, Peyrin C. (2012). Is coarse-tofine strategy sensitive to normal aging?. PLoS One, 7.

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O’Regan J Kevin. (2012). How to make a robot that is conscious and feels. Minds and Machines. 22(2), 117-136.

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Tordjman, S., Anderson, G. M., Bellissant, E., Botbol, M., Charbuy, H., Camus, F., … & Touitou, Y. (2012). Day and nighttime excretion of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin in adolescents and young adults with autistic disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology37(12), 1990-1997. 

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Botbol, M., Roubertoux, P. L., Carlier, M., Trabado, S., Brailly-Tabard, S., Perez-Diaz, F., … & Tordjman, S. (2011). Modulation of brain β-endorphin concentration by the specific part of the Y chromosome in mice. PLoS One6(3).

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Bourlon C, Duret C, Pradat-Diehl P, Azouvi P, Loeper-Jeny C, Merat-Blanchard M, Levy C, Chokron S, Bartolomeo P. (2011). Vocal response times to real and imagined stimuli in spatial neglect: A group study and single-case report. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 47, 536-546.

Coubard OA, Perez C, Kazandjian S, Gaudry I, Marendaz C, Guyader N, Peyrin C, Chokron S. (2011). Visual demand and visual field presentation influence natural scene processing. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmology, 249, 223-232.

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Dulin D, Cavezian C, Serrière C, Bachoud-Levi AC, Bartolomeo P, Chokron S. (2011). Colour, Face and Visuo-Spatial Imagery Abilities in Low-Vision Individuals with Visual Field Deficits. Quaterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,, 64, 1955-70.

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Gerardin P, Wendland J, Bodeau N Galin A, Bialobos S, Tordjman S, Mazet P, Darbois Y, Nizard J, Dommergues M, Cohen D. (2011). Depression During Pregnancy: Is the Developmental Impact Earlier in Boys? A Prospective Case-Control Study. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 72, 378-387.

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Kazandjian S, Gaash E, Love IY, Zivotofsky AZ, Chokron S. (2011). Spatial representation of action phrases among bidirectional readers: The effect of language environment and sentence complexity. Social Psychology, 42, 249-258.

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Mouaffak F, Kebir O, Bellon A, Gourevitch R, Tordjman S, Viala A, Millet B, Jaafari N, Olié J-P, Krebs M-O. (2011). Association of an UCP4 (SLC25A27) haplotype with ultra-resistant schizophrenia. Pharmacogenomics, 185-193.

Mouaffak F, Kebir O, Chayet M, Tordjman S, Vacheron MN, Millet B, Jaafari N, Bellon A, Olie JP, Krebs MO. (2011). Association of Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) missense variants with ultra-resistant schizophrenia. Pharmacogenomics, 11, 267-273.

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Nadel J, Aouka N, Coulon N, Gras-Vincendon A, Canet P, Fagard J, Bursztein C. (2011). Yes they can!: An approach to observational learning in low-functioning children with autism. Autism, 15, 421-435.

Nazzi T, Barrière I, Goyet L, Kresh S, Legendre G. (2011). Tracking irregular morphophonological dependencies in natural language: Evidence from the acquisition of subject-verb agreement in French. Cognition, 120, 119–135. (PDF)

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Tordjman S. (2011). Time and its representations: At the crossroads between psychoanalysis and neuroscience. Journal of Physiology-Paris, 105, 137-148.

Tordjman S, Kermarrec S, Fougerou C, Bellissant E. (2011). Intérêts de la mélatonine dans l’autisme. La Lettre du Pharmacologue, 25, 109-113.

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Cavezian C, Gaudry I, Perez C, Coubard O, Doucet G, Peyrin C, Marendaz C, Obadia M, Gout O, Chokron S. (2010). Specific impairments in visual processing following lesion side in hemianopic patients. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 46, 1123-1131.

Cavezian C, Vilayphonh M, de Agostini M, Vasseur V, Watier L, Kazandjian S, Laloum L, Chokron S. (2010). Assessment of visuo-attentional abilities in young children with or without visual disorder: Toward a systematic screening in the general population. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31, 1102-1108.

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Esseily R, Nadel J, Fagard J. (2010). Object retrieval through observational learning in 8- to 18-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 33, 695-699. (PDF)

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Gervain J, Mehler J. (2010). Speech perception and language acquisition in the first year of life. Annual Review of Psychology, 61, 191-218.

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Kazandjian S, Cavezian C, Zivotofsky AZ, Chokron S. (2010). Bisections in two languages: When number processing, spatial representation, and habitual reading direction interact. Neuropsychologia, 48(14), 4031-4037.

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Picozzi M, de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Macchi Cassia V. (2010). Seven-month-olds detect ordinal numerical relationships within temporal sequences. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 107(3), 359-367. (PDF)

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Raz N, Vaknin A, Chokron S, Ben-Hur T, Levin N. (2010). Functional MRI as a tool for assessing chiasmal visual defect in a patient with neuromyelitis optica. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81, 1174-1175.

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Mortaud S, Nicolas L, Pinoteau W, Tordjman S, Carlier M, Roubertoux PL. (2010). Brain Pathways Mediating the Pro-Aggressive Effect of the Steroid Sulfatase (Sts) Gene. Behavior Genetics, 40, 211-219.

Robert G, Kermarrec S, Guignard JH, Tordjman S. (2010). Signes d’appel et troubles associes chez les enfants à haut potentiel [Alert Symptoms And Related Disorders In Gifted Children]. Archives de Pédiatrie, 17, 1363-1367.

Tordjman S. (2010). At the crossroads between Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience: the importance of subjectivity. Journal of Physiology Paris, 104, 232-242.

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2009 - 2000


Barbu-Roth M, Anderson DI, Després A, Provasi J, Campos JJ. (2009). Neonatal stepping in relation to terrestrial optic flow. Child Development, 80, 8-14.

Bijeljac-Babic R, Nassurally K, Havy MNazzi T. (2009). Infants can rapidly learn words in a foreign language. Infant Behavior and Development, 32, 476-480. (PDF).

Bonnot O, Anderson GM, Cohen D, Willer JC, Tordjman S. (2009). Are patients with schizophrenia insensitive to pain? A reconsideration of the question,. Clinical Journal of Pain, 25, 244-252.

Bourlon C, Chokron S, Bachoud-Levi A-C, Coubard O, Bergeras I, Moulignier A, Viret A-C, Bartolomeo P. (2009). Normalisation d’une batterie d’evaluation de l’imagerie mentale visuelle et de la perception visuelle. Revue Neurologique, 165, 1045-1054.

Bourlon C, Chokron S, Bachoud-Lévi AC, Coubard OA, Bergeras I, Moulignier A, Viret AC, Bartolomeo P. (2009). Presentation of an assessment battery for visual mental imagery and visual perception. Revue Neurologique.

Cornic F, Consoli A, Tanguy ML, Bonnot O, Périsse D, Tordjman S, Laurent C, Cohen D. (2009). Association of adolescent catatonia with increased mortality and morbidity: Evidence from a prospective follow-up study. Schizophrenia Research, 113, 233-240.

Cristinzio C, Bourlon C, Pradat-Diehl P, Trojano L, Grossi D, Chokron S, Bartolomeo P. (2009). Representational neglect in ’invisible’ drawing from memory. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 45, 313-317.

de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. (2009). Spontaneous mapping of number and space in adults and young children. Cognition. (PDF)

Domellof E, Roonqvist L, Titran M, Esseilly R, Fagard J. (2009). Atypical functional lateralization in children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Developmental Psychobiology, 58, 696-705.

Dupierrix E, Gresty M, Ohlmann T, Chokron S. (2009). Long-lasting induced plasticity of spatial perception: How ecological sensori-motor experience determine subjective space. ,. PloS One, 4(2):e4465.

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Fagard Jacqueline, Spelke Elizabeth, Von-Hofsten Claes. (2009). Reaching and grasping a moving object in 6-, 8-, and 10-month-old infants: Laterality and performance. Infant Behavior & Development, 32, 137-146.

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Golomer E, Rosey F, Dizac H, Mertz C, Fagard J. (2009). The influence of classical dance training on preferred supporting leg and whole body turning bias. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 14, 165-177.

Graignic-Philippe R, Tordjman S. (2009). Effects of stress during pregnancy on infant and child development. Archives de Pédiatrie, 16, 1355-1363.

Grandgeorge M, Hausberger M, Tordjman S, Deleau M, Lazartigues A, Lemonnier E. (2009). Environmental Factors Influence Language Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. PLOS ONE, 4, e4683.

Havy, M. & Nazzi, T. (2009). Bias for consonantal over vocalic information in word learning at 16 months. Infancy, 14, 439-456.

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Höhle, B., Bijeljac-Babic, R., Herold, B., Weissenborn, J. & Nazzi, T.(2009). Language specific prosodic preferences during the first half year of life: Evidence from German and French infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 32, 262-274.

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Kazandjian S, Dupierrix E, Gaash E, Love IY, Zivotofsky AZ, De Agostini M, Chokron S. (2009). Egocentric reference in bidirectional readers as measured by the straight-ahead pointing task. Brain Research, 1247, 133-141.

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Nazzi, T., Floccia, C., Moquet, B., & Butler, J. (2009). Bias for consonantal over vocalic information in French- and English-learning 30-month-olds: crosslinguistic evidence in early word learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 102, 522-537.

Perez C, Cavézian C, Peyrin C, Coubard OA, Doucet G, Andersson F, Gout O, Savatovsky J, Chokron S. (2009). Cortical plasticity in visual areas after a post-chiasmatic lesion: a neuro-imaging study. Revue de Neuropsychologie.

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Vilayphonh M, Cavezian C, Laloum L, de Agostini M, Watier L, Vasseur V, Chokron S. (2009). Evaluation des troubles visuo-attentionnels chez l’enfant de quatre a six ans. Revue de Neuropsychologie, Neurosciences Cognitives et Cliniques, 1, 110-119.



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Bonnot O, Tanguy ML, Consoli A, Cornic F, Graindorge C, Laurent C, Tordjman S, Cohen D. (2008). Does catatonia influence the phenomenology of childhood onset schizophrenia beyond motor symptoms?. Psychiatry Research, 158, 356-362.

Campos J, Witheringthon D, Anderson DI, Frankel CI, UchiyamaI, Barbu-Roth M. (2008). Rediscovering Development in Infancy. Child Development, 79, 1625-1632.

Chokron S, Bartolomeo P, Sieroff E. (2008). La negligence spatiale unilaterale: Trente ans de recherches, de decouvertes, d’espoirs et (surtout) de questions. Revue Neurologique, 164, S134-S142.

Chokron S, Perez C, Obadia M, Gaudry I, Laloum L, Gout O. (2008). From blindsight to sight: Cognitive rehabilitation of visual field defects. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 26, 305-320.

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Fagard J, Sacco S, Yvenou C, Domellöf E, Kieffer V, Tordjman S, Moutard M-H, Mamassian P. (2008). The role of the corpus callosum in the perception of reversible figures in children. Vision research, 48, 2451-5.

Gervain Judit, Macagno Francesco, Cogoi Silvia, PenA Marcela, Mehler Jacques. (2008). The neonate brain detects speech structure. PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, 14222-14227.

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Gervain Judit, Werker Janet F. (2008). How infant speech perception contributes to language acquisition. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2, 1149-1170.

Hartley M, Fagard JEsseily R, Taylor J. (2008). Observational versus trial and error effects in a model of an infant learning paradigm. Artificial Neural Networks – Icann 2008, Pt Ii, 5164, 277-289.

Kebir O, Mouaffak F, Chayet M, Leroy S, Tordjman S, Amado I, Krebs MO. (2008). Semantic but not phonological verbal fluency associated with BDNF Val66Met polymorphism in schizophrenia. American Journal of Medical Genetics B, Neuropsychiatry Genetics, 150B, 441-442.

Kerzhero S, Gentaz E, Streri A. (2008). Influence of visual contextual cues on haptic discrimination of orientations in 5-month-old infants. Brain Research, 1242, 276-282.

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Pascal F, O’Regan JK. (2008). Commentary On Mossio and Taraborelli: is the enactive approach really sensorimotor?. Consciousness and Cognition: An International Journal, 17, 1341-1342.

Philipona D, O’Regan J K. (2008). Reply to Johnson and Wright. Visual Neuroscience, 25, 225-226.

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Rämä Pia. (2008). Domain-dependent activation during spatial and nonspatial auditory working memory. Cognitive Processing, 9, 29-34. (PDF)

Reeve P, Clark JJ, O’Regan JK. (2008). Convergent flash localization near saccades without equivalent ’compression’ of perceptual separationJournal of Vision, 8, 1-19.

Sann CStreri A. (2008). The limits of newborn’s grasping to detect texture in a cross-modal transfer task. Infant Behavior and Development, 31, 523-531.

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Streri A, Lemoine C, Devouche E. (2008). Development of inter-manual transfer of shape information in infancy. Developmental Psychobiology, 50, 70-76.

Tordjman S. (2008). Reunifying autism disorder and early-onset schizophrenia in terms of social communication disorders. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31, 278-281.

Tordjman S, Cohen DJ, Haag G. (2008). Elaboration et validation des échelles SIB/OIB (SELF/OTHER INJURIOUS BEHAVIOR SCALES)(version Francaise : Les échelles des conduites auto- et hétéroagressives). Editions du Centre de Psychologie Appliquée, Février.

Toussaint Y, Do M-C, Fagard J. (2008). What are the factors responsible for the deviation in stepping on the spot?. Neuroscience Letters, 435, 60-64.

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Uchiyama I, Anderson DI, Campos JJ, Witherington D, Lejeune L, Frankel CB, Barbu-Roth M. (2008). Locomotor experience affects the perception of self and emotional reactions. Developmental Psychology, 44, 1225-1231.

Urbanski M, de Schotten MT, Rodrigo S, Catani M, Oppenheim C, Touze E, Chokron S, Meder JF, Levy R, Dubois B, Bartolomeo P. (2008). Brain networks of spatial awareness: Evidence from diffusion tensor imaging tractography. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 79, 598-601.



Auvray Malika, Hanneton Sylvain, O’Regan J Kevin. (2007). Learning to perceive with a visuo-auditory substitution system: Localisation and object recognition with ’The vOICe.’. Perception, 36, 416-430.

Auvray Malika, Philipona David, O’Regan J Kevin, Spence Charles. (2007). The perception of space and form recognition in a simulated environment: the case of minimalist sensory-substitution devices. Perception, 36, 1736-1751.

Chokron S, Dupierrix E, Tabert M, Bartolomeo P. (2007). Experimental remission of unilateral spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia, 45, 3127-3148.

Graignic R, Bonnot O, Tordjman S. (2007). Relations entre schizophrénies et troubles autistiques. Santé Mentale, 123, 55-59.

Myin E, O’Regan JK. (2007). Phenomenal Consciousness Lite: No Thanks!. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30, 520-521.

Nazzi T, New B. (2007). Beyond stop consonants: consonantal specificity in early lexical acquisition. Cognitive Development, 22, 271-279. (PDF)

Nazzi T, Pilardeau M. (2007). Learning the names of objects is not enough to support name-based categorization at 16 months. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 4, 435-450. (PDF)

Sann CStreri A. (2007). Perception of object shape and texture in human newborns: evidence from cross-modal transfer tasks. Developmental Science, 10, 398-409.

Sieroff E, Decaix C, Chokron S, Bartolomeo P. (2007). Impaired orienting of attention in left unilateral neglect: A componential analysis. Neuropsychology, 21, 94-113.

Streri ASann C. (2007). The multiple relations between vision and touch: neonatal behavioural evidence and adult neuroimaging data. Commentary on Dijerkman & de Haan: Somatosensory processes subserving perception and action. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 30, 220-221.

Tordjman S, Guignard JH, Seligmann C, Vanroye E, Nevoux G, Fagard J, Gorea A, Mamassian P, Cavanagh P, Lebreton S. (2007). Diagnosis of hyperactivity disorder in gifted children depends on observational sources. Gifted and Talented International, 22, 62-67.

Tordjman S, Drapier D, Bonnot O, Graignic R, Fortes S, Cohen D, Millet B, Laurent C, Roubertoux PL. (2007). Animal models relevant to schizophrenia and autism: Validity and limitations. Behavior Genetics, 37, 61-78.

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Arp S, Taranne P, Fagard J. (2006). Global perception of small numerosities (subitizing) in cerebral-palsied childrenJournal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 28, 405-19.

Bompas A, O’Regan J K. (2006). Evidence for a role of action in colour perceptionPerception, 35, 65-78.

Bompas A, O’Regan J K. (2006). More evidence for sensorimotor adaptation in color perceptionJournal of Vision, 6, 145-153.

Chokron S. (2006). Functional neuroimaging in neurology and neuropsychology. Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 2, 59-69.

Dayan J, Creveuil C, Marks MN, Conroy S, Herlicoviez M, Dreyfus M, Tordjman S. (2006). Prenatal Depression, Prenatal Anxiety, and Spontaneous Preterm Birth: A Prospective Cohort Study Among Women With Early and Regular Care. Psychosomatic Medicine, 68, 938-946.

Dupierrix E, Alleysson D, Chokron S, Ohlmann T. (2006). Induction of lateralized spatial bias among normal subjects. Cogn Process., 5, 28-9.

Fagard J, Lemoine C. (2006). The role of imitation in the stabilization of handedness during infancy. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 5, 519-533.

Fagard Jacqueline. (2006). Normal and Abnormal Early Development of Handedness: Introduction. Developmental Psychobiology, 48, 413-417.

Féron J, Gentaz Edouard, Streri A. (2006). Evidence of amodal representation of small numbers across visuo-tactile modalities in 5-month-old infants. Cognitive Development, 21, 81-92.

Leconte P, Fagard J. (2006). Lateral preferences in children with intellectual deficiency of idiopathic origin. Developmental Psychobiology, 48, 492-500.

Leconte P, Fagard J. (2006). Which factors affect hand selection in children’s grasping in hemispace? Combined effects of task demand and motor dominanceBrain and Cognition, 60, 88-93.

Leconte Pascale, Fagard Jacqueline. (2006). Lateral Preferences in Children with Intellectual Deficiency of Idiopathic Origin. Developmental Psychobiology, 48, 492-500.

Lejeune L, Anderson D I, Campos J J, Witherington D C, Uchiyama I, Barbu-Roth M. (2006). Responsiveness to terrestrial optic flow in infancy: does locomotor experience play a role?Human Movement Science, 25, 4-17.

Nazzi T. (2006). Spécificité phonétique: de la perception précoce à l’acquisition des premiers mots. Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes, 35, 31-52.

Nazzi Thierry, Iakimova Galina, Bertoncini Josiane, Fredonie Severine, Alcantara Carmela. (2006). Early segmentation of fluent speech by infants acquiring French: Emerging evidence for crosslinguistic differences. Journal of Memory and Language, 54, 283-299. (PDF)

Peyrin C, Chokron S, Guyader N, Gout O, Moret J, Marendaz C. (2006). Neural correlates of spatial frequency processing: A neuropsychological approach. Brain Research, 1073-1074, 1-10.

Peyrin C, Mermillod M, Chokron S, Marendaz C. (2006). Effect of temporal constraints on hemispheric asymmetries during spatial frequency processing. Brain and Cognition, 62, 214-220.

Sacco S, Moutard M-L, Fagard J. (2006). Agenesis of the corpus callosum and the establishment of handedness. Developmental Psychobiology, 48, 472-481.

O’Regan JK, Myin E, Noë A. (2006). Skill, corporality and alerting capacity in an account of sensory consciousness. Progress in Brain Research, 150, 55-68.

Philipona David L, O’Regan J Kevin. (2006). Color naming, unique hues, and hue cancellation predicted from singularities in reflection properties. Visual Neuroscience, 23, 331-339.

Vidal Juan R, Chaumon Maximilien, O’Regan J Kevin, Tallon-Baudry Catherine. (2006). Visual Grouping and the Focusing of Attention Induce Gamma-band Oscillations at Different Frequencies in Human Magnetoencephalogram Signals. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 1850-1862.

Wydoodt P, Gentaz E, Streri A. (2006). Role of force cues in the haptic estimations of a virtual lenght. Experimental Brain Research, 171, 481-489.


Adrien JL, Gattegno MP, Streri A, Reynaud L, Barthelemy C. (2005). Développement précoce et créativité chez l’enfant autiste. Archives de Pédiatrie, 12, 858-860.

Arp S, Fagard J. (2005). What impairs subitizing in cerebral palsied children?Developmental Psychobiology, 47, 89-102.

Auvray M, Hanneton S, Lenay C, O’Regan JK. (2005). There is something out there: Distal attribution in sensory substitution, twenty years later. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 4, 505-521.

Auvray M, Lenay C, O’Regan J K, Lefèvre J. (2005). Suppléance perceptive, immersion et informations proprioceptives. Arobase, 1, 94-114.

Barbu-Roth M, Trujillo A, Després A, Provasi J, Vaivre-Douret L, Cabrol D. (2005). The coupling between optical flow and neonatal stepping. Gait and Posture, 21, S1.

Bartolomeo P, Bachoud-Levi A-C, Azouvi P, Chokron S. (2005). Time to imagine space: A chronometric exploration of representational neglect. Neuropsychologia, 43, 1249-1257.

Bompas A, O’Regan J K. (2005). Color adaptation contingent on eye saccades. .

Bompas A, O’Regan J K. (2005). More evidence for sensorimotor adaptation in color perception. Journal of Vision, 5, 97.

Catelin Celine, Tordjman Sylvie, Morin Vincent, Oger Emmanuel, Sizun Jacques. (2005). Clinical, physiologic, and biologic impact of environmental and behavioral interventions in neonates during a routine nursing procedure. The Journal of Pain, 6, 791-797.

Cohen D, Pichard N, Tordjman S, Verloes A, Baumann C, Burglen L, Excoffier E, Lazar G, Mazet P, Pinquier C, Héron D. (2005). Specific genetic disorder and autism : clinical contribution towards identification. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35, 103-116.

Cohen David, Nicolas Jean-Dominique, Flament Martine F, Perisse Didier, Dubos Pierre-Francois, Bonnot Olivier, Speranza Mario, Graindorge Catherine, Tordjman Sylvie, Mazet Philippe. (2005). Clinical relevance of chronic catatonic schizophrenia in children and adolescents: Evidence from a prospective naturalistic study. Schizophrenia Research, 76, 301-308.

Dahmen R, Fagard J. (2005). The effect of explicit cultural bias in lateral preferences in Tunisia. Cortex, 6, 739-740.

Fagard J, Lockman J. (2005). The effect of task constraints on infants’ (bi)manual strategy for grasping and exploring objects. Infant Behavior and Development, 28, 305-315.

Gattegno, M.-P., Reynaud, L. Streri, A., Barthelemy, C., & Adrien, J.L. (2005). Les dysfonctionnements interactifs et moteurs chez des bébés âgés de 4 à 6 mois ultérieurement diagnostiqués autistes. Analyse à partir des films familiaux. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, 83-84, 152-164.

Graignic-Philippe R, Tordjman S, Granier-Deferre C, Ribeiro A, Jacquet A-Y, Cohen-Salmon C, Fortes S, Gérardin P. (2005). Le stress prénatal: Etat de la question et perspectives. Neuropsychiatrie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence, 53, 54-61.

Haag Genevieve, Tordjman Sylvie, Duprat Andree, Urwand Simone, Jardin Francoise, Clement Marie-Christine, Cukierman Annick, Druon Catherine, Du Chatellier Anik Maufras, Tricaud Jacqueline, Dumont Anne-Marie. (2005). Psychodynamic assessment of changes in children with autism under psychoanalytic treatment. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 86, 335-352.

Kerzerho Stephanie, Streri Arlette, Gentaz Edouard. (2005). Reference frame and haptic discrimination of orientations in infants. Neuroreport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 16, 1833-1837.

Leconte P, Fagard J. (2005). Qu’est ce qui détermine le choix de la main utilisée par l’enfant ? Influence combinée de la demande de la tâche, de la posture et de la consistance manuelle du sujet. Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle, 19(1-2), 111-126.

Lhote, M. & Streri, A. (2003) La mémoire haptique de la forme des objets chez les bébés âgés de 4 mois. L’Année Psychologique, 103, 33-50.

Nazzi T, Dilley LC, Jusczyk AM, Shattuck-Hufnagel S, Jusczyk PW. (2005). English-learning infants’ segmentation of verbs from fluent speech. Language and Speech, 48, 279-298. (PDF)

Nazzi T, Gopnik A, Karmiloff-Smith A. (2005). Asynchrony in the cognitive and lexical development of young children with Williams syndrome. Journal of Child Language, 32, 427-438. (PDF)

Nazzi Thierry. (2005). Use of phonetic specificity during the acquisition of new words: Differences between consonants and vowels. Cognition, 98, 13-30. (PDF)

Pierre-Kahn A, Recassens C, Pinto G, Thalassinos C, Chokron S, Soubervielle J-C, Brauner R, Zerah M, Sainte Rose C. (2005). Social and psycho-intellectual outcome following radical removal of craniopharyngiomas in childhood A prospective series. Childs Nerv Syst., 21, 817-24..

O’Regan J K, Myin E, Noë A. (2005). Skill, corporality and alerting capacity in an account of sensory consciousness. Progress in Brain Research, 55-68.

O’Regan JK, Myin E, Noë A. (2005). Phenomenal consciousness explained (better) in terms of bodiliness and grabbiness. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 4, 369-387.

Rämä P, Courtney S. (2005). Functional topography of working memory for face or voice identity. NeuroImage, 24, 224-234. (PDF)

Roubertoux PL, Guillot PV, Mortaud S, Pratte M, Jamon M, Cohen-Salmon C, Tordjman S. (2005). Attack behaviors in mice: From factorial structure to quantitative trait loci mapping. European Journal of Pharmacology, 526, 172-185.

Streri A. (2005). Touching for knowing in infancy: The development of manual abilities in very young infants. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 4, 325-343.

Streri A, Féron J. (2005). The development of haptic abilities in very young infants: from perception to cognition. Infant Behavior and Development, 28, 290-304..

Tordjman S, Anderson G M, Pichard N, Charbuy H, Touitou Y. (2005). Nocturnal Excretion of 6-Sulphatoxymelatonin in Children and Adolescents with Autistic Disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 57, 134-138.

Vidal JR, Gauchou HL, Tallon-Baudry C, O’Regan J K. (2005). Relational information in visual short-term memory: The structural gistJournal of Vision, 5, 244-256.

Wascher E, Schneider WX, O’Regan JK. (2005). Posterior EEG-asymmetries (N2pc) and awareness. New evidence from an experimental visual extinction paradigm. Journal of Psychophysiology, 19, 152-152.



Bijeljac-Babic R, Millogo V, Farioli F, Grainger J. (2004). A developmental investigation of word length effects in reading using a new on-line word identification paradigm. Reading and Writing, 17, 411-431. (PDF)

Fagard J, Dahmen R. (2004). Cultural influences on the development of lateral preferences: a comparison between French and Tunisian childrenLaterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 9, 67-78.

Gentaz Edouard, Streri Arlette. (2004). An « Oblique Effect » in Infants’ Haptic Perception of Spatial Orientations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16, 253-259.

Leconte P, Fagard J. (2004). Influence of object spatial location and task complexity on children’s use of their preferred hand depending on their handedness consistencyDevelopmental Psychobiology, 45, 51-8.

Molina M, Barbu-Roth M, Jouen F. (2004). Early integrative cognitive development in human infantsJournal of Integrative Neuroscience, 3, 19-30.

Philipona D, O’Regan J K, Nadal J-P. (2004). Perception of the structure of the physical world using unknown sensors and effectorsAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 16, 945-952.

Pertovaara A, Linnankoski I, Artchakov D, Rämä P, Carlson S. (2004). A potential aphrodisiac for female macaques. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 79, 137-141. (PDF)

Rämä P, Poremba A, Sala JB, Yee L, Malloy M, Mishkin M, Courtney SM. (2004). Dissociable functional cortical topographies for working memory maintenance of voice identity and location. Cerebral Cortex, 14, 768–780. (PDF)

Streri Arlette, Gentaz Edouard. (2004). Cross-modal recognition of shape from hand to eyes and handedness in human newborns. Neuropsychologia, 42, 1365-1369.

Streri Arlette, Gentaz Edouard, Spelke Elizabeth, Van deWalle Gretchen. (2004). Infants’ haptic perception of object unity in rotating displays. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A: Human Experimental Psychology, 57A, 523-538.



Auvray M, Hanneton S, O’Regan J K. (2003). Localisation and form recognition in sensory substitution (abstract). Perception, 32, 94-94.

Auvray M, O’Regan J K. (2003). L’influence des facteurs sémantiques sur la cécité aux changements progressifs dans les scènes visuelles. L’Année Psychologique, 103, 9-32.

Auvray M, O’Regan J K. (2003). Voir avec les Oreilles. Enjeux de la substitution sensorielle. Pour la Science.

Auvray Malika, O’Regan J Kevin. (2003). Influence of semantic factors on blindness to progressive changes in visual scenes / L’influence des facteurs sémantiques sur la cécité aux changements progressifs dans les scènes visuelles. L’année Psychologique, 103, 9-32.

Bompas A, O’Regan J K. (2003). A sensory-motor approach of colour perception(abstract). Perception, 32, 64-64.

Fagard J, Corroyer D. (2003). Using a continuous index of laterality to determine how laterality is related to interhemispheric transfer and bimanual coordination in children. Developmental Psychobiology, 43, 44-56.

Fagard J, Dahmen R. (2003). The effects of reading-writing direction on the asymmetry of space perception and directional tendencies: A comparison between French and Tunisian children. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 8, 39-52.

Lacaze E, Kieffert V, Streri A, Lorenzi C, Gentaz E, Habrand J-L, Dellatolas G, Kalifa C, Grill J. (2003). Neuropsychological outcome in children with optic pathway tumors when first-line treatment is chemotherapy. British Journal of Cancer, 89, 2038-2044.

Lhote M, Streri A. (2003). Haptic memory of object shape in 4-month-old infants / La memoire haptique de la forme des objets chez les Bebes ages de 4 mois. L’annee Psychologique, 103, 33-50.

Miranda J R V, O’Regan J K. (2003). Objects and inter-object relations in visual working memory (abstrat). Perception, 32, 92-92.

Noe A, O’Regan J K. (2003). On comprehending the sensory effects of movement: Toward a theory of perception and consciousness (abstract). Perception, 32, 33-33.

Philipona D, O’Regan J K, Nadal J P. (2003). Is there something out there? Inferring space from sensorimotor dependenciesNeural Computation, 15, 2029-49.

Philipona D, O’Regan J K, Nadal J P, Coenen O J M. (2003). Perception of the structure of the physical world using unknown multimodal sensors and effectors. NIPS.

Sala JB, Rämä P, Courtney SM. (2003). Functional topography of a distributed neural system for spatial and nonspatial information maintenance in working memory. Neuropsychologia, 41, 341-356. (PDF)

Streri Arlette, Gentaz Edouard. (2003). Cross-modal recognition of shape from hand to eyes in human newborns. Somatosensory and Motor Research, 20, 13-18.



Anderson G M, Gutknecht L, Cohen D J, Cohen J H M, Ferrari P, Roubertoux P L, Tordjman S. (2002). Serotonin transporter promoter variants in autism: Functional effects and relationship to platelet hyperserotonemia. Molecular Psychiatry, 7, 831-836.

Bompas A, Clark J J, O’Regan J K. (2002). Colour perception in the sensorimotor contingency theory(abstract). Perception, 31, 90-90.

Drozda-Sewkoska, E., & Streri, A. (2002). La psychologie et le sens commun : croire le savant ou le profane. Education et Sociétés. Revue internationale de sociologie de l’éducation, 1, 115-126.

Gentaz E, Streri A. (2002). Infants’ Haptic Discrimination of Spatial Orientations. Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain and Cognition, No, 61-71.

Myin E, O’Regan J K. (2002). Perceptual consciousness, access to modality and skill theories: A way to naturalize phenomenology?. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 9, 27-45.

Nazzi Thierry, Karmiloff-Smith A. (2002). Early categorization abilities in young children with Williams syndrome. Neuroreport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 13, 1259-1262. (PDF)

Sizun Jacques, Ansquer Helene, Browne Joy, Tordjman Sylvie, Morin Jean-Francois. (2002). Developmental care decreases physiologic and behavioral pain expression in preterm neonates. The Journal of Pain, 3, 446-450.

Streri Arlette. (2002). Hand preference in 4-month-old infants: Global or local processing of objects in the haptic mode. Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain and Cognition, No, 39-50.

Streri Arlette. (2002). Self-knowledge in infants / La connaissance de soi chez le bebe. Intellectica, No, 125-141.

Streri, A. (2002) La connaissance de soi chez le bébé. In Lécuyer, R. & Streri, A. (Eds). Actualités de la recherche sur le nourrisson. Intellectica, n° 34, 125-141.

Tordjman Sylvie. (2002). Les instruments d’évaluation de l’autisme: Intérêts et limites. Psychiatrie de l’Enfant, 45, 533-558.

Tordjman Sylvie, Carlier Michele, Cohen David, Cesselin Francois, Bourgoin Sylvie, Petiet Anne, Hamon Michel, Roubertoux Pierre L. (2003). Aggression and the Three Opioid Families (Endorphins, Enkephalins, and Dynorphins) in Mice. Behavior Genetics, 33, 529-536.



Anderson David I, Campos Joseph J, Anderson Diane E, Thomas Tabatha D, Witherington David C, Uchiyama Ichiro, Barbu-Roth Marianne. (2001). The flip side of perception-action coupling: Locomotor experience and the ontogeny of visual-postural coupling. Human Movement Science, 20, 461-487.

Arp S, Fagard J. (2001). Handicap visuo-manuel et comptage chez l’enfant IMC ancien prématuré. A.N.A.E. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, 13, 239-248.

Fagard J, Hardy I, Kervella C, Marks A. (2001). Changes in interhemispheric transfer and the development of bimanual coordination. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 80, 1-22.

Nazzi Thierry, Gopnik Alison. (2001). Linguistic and cognitive abilities in infancy: When does language become a tool for categorization?. Cognition, 80, B22-B20. (PDF)

O’Regan J K. (2001). The ’feel’ of seeing: an interview with J. Kevin O’ReganTrends in Cognitive Sciences, 5, 278-279.

O’Regan J K, Noe A. (2001). Acting out our sensory experience – Response. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24, 1011-1031.

O’Regan J K, Noe A. (2001). What it is like to see: A sensorimotor theory of perceptual experience. Synthèse, 129, 79-103.

O’Regan J Kevin, Noe Alva. (2001). A sensorimotor account of vision and visual consciousness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24, 939-1031.

O’Regan JK, Noë A. (2001). What it is like to see: A sensorimotor theory of visual experienceSynthèse, 129, 79-103.

Rämä P, Martinkauppi S, Linnankoski I, Koivisto J, Aronen HJ, Carlson S. (2001). Working memory processing of emotional vocal expressions: an fMRI study. NeuroImage, 13, 1090-1101. (PDF)

Rämä P, Sala JB, Gillen JS, Pekar JJ, Courtney SM. (2001). Dissociation of the neural systems for working memory maintenance of verbal and nonspatial visual information. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 1, 161-171. (PDF)

Tordjman S, Gutknecht L, Carlier M, Spitz E, Antoine C, Slama F, Carsalade V, Cohen D J, Ferrari P, Roubertoux P L, Anderson G M. (2001). Role of the serotonin transporter gene in the behavioral expression of autism. Molecular Psychiatry, 6, 434-439.

Vitu F, McConkie GW, Kerr P, O’Regan J K. (2001). Fixation location effects on fixation durations during reading : an inverted optimal viewing position effect. Vision Research, 41, 3511-3531.



Anderson David I, Hubbard Edward M, Campos Joseph J, Barbu-Roth Marianne, Witherington David, Hertenstein Matthew J. (2000). Probabilistic epigenesis, experience, and psychological development in infancy. Infancy, 1, 245-251.

Campos Joseph J, Anderson David I, Barbu-Roth Marianne, Hubbard Edward M, Hertenstein Matthew J, Witherington David. (2000). Travel broadens the mind. Infancy, 1, 149-219.

Fagard J. (2000). Linked proximal and distal changes in the reaching behavior of 5- to 12-month-old human infants grasping objects of different sizes. Infant Behavior and Development, 23, 327-329.

Fagard J, Marks A. (2000). Unimanual and bimanual tasks and the assessment of handedness in toddlers. Developmental Science, 3, 137-147.

Floccia Caroline, Nazzi ThierryBertoncini Josiane. (2000). Unfamiliar voice discrimination for short stimuli in newborns. Developmental Science, 3, 333-343. (PDF)

Gautier V, O’Regan J K, Le Gargasson J F. (2000). ’The-skipping’ revisited in French: programming saccades to skip the article ’les’Vision Research, 40, 2517-31.

Le Roy Isabelle, Mortaud Stephanie, Tordjman Sylvie, Carlier Michelle, Degrelle Herve, Roubertoux Pierre L. (2000). Erratum. Behavior Genetics, Vol 30(3), 249.

Martinkauppi S, Rämä P, Aronen HJ, Korvenoja A, Carlson S. (2000). Working memory of auditory localization. Cerebral Cortex, 10, 889-898. (PDF)

Nazzi Thierry, Gopnik Alison. (2000). A shift in children’s use of perceptual and causal cues to categorization. Developmental Science, 3, 389-396. (PDF)

Nazzi Thierry, Jusczyk Peter W, Johnson Elizabeth K. (2000). Language discrimination by English-learning 5-month-olds: Effects of rhythm and familiarity. Journal of Memory and Language, 43, 1-19. (PDF)

Nazzi Thierry, Kemler-Nelson, D G, Jusczyk Peter W, Jusczyk Ann Marie. (2000). Six-month-olds’ detection of clauses embedded in continuous speech: Effects of prosodic well-formedness. Infancy, 1, 123-147. (PDF)

Noe Alva, O’Regan J Kevin. (2000). Perception, attention and the grand illusionPsyche: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness, 6, No Pagination Specified.

O’Regan J Kevin, Deubel Heiner, Clark James J, Rensink Ronald A. (2000). Picture changes during blinks: Looking without seeing and seeing without looking. Visual Cognition, 7, 191-211.

Rämä P, Paavilainen L, Anourova I, Alho K, Reinikainen K, Sipila S, Carlson S. (2000). Modulation of slow brain potentials by working memory load in spatial and nonspatial auditory tasks. Neuropsychologia, 38, 913-922. (PDF)

Rensink Ronald A, O’Regan J Kevin, Clark James J. (2000). On the failure to detect changes in scenes across brief interruptions. Visual Cognition, 7, 127-145.

Streri A. (2000). Pour une certaine unité des sens à la naissance: une approche psychologique. Devenir, 12, 59-80.

Streri Arlette, Lhote Myriam, Dutilleul Sophie. (2000). Haptic perception in newborns. Developmental Science, 3, 319-327.



Anourova I, Rämä P, Alho K, Koivusalo S, Kalmari J, Carlson S. (1999). Selective interference reveals dissociation between auditory memory for location and pitch. NeuroReport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 10, 3543-3547.

Clark James J, O’Regan J Kevin. (1999). Word ambiguity and the optimal viewing position in reading. Vision Research, 39, 843-857.

Fagard J. (1999). Le développement des habiletés manuelles au cours de l’enfance. Evolutions psychomotrices, 41, 115-125.

Ninio Jacques, O’Regan J Kevin. (1999). Characterisation of the misalignment and misangulation components in the Poggendorff and corner-Poggendorff illusions. Perception, 28, 949-964.

Le Roy Isabelle, Mortaud Stephane, Tordjman Sylvie, Carlier Michele, Degrelle Herve, Roubertoux Pierre L. (1999). Genetic correlation between steroid sulfatase concentration and initiation of attack behavior in mice. Behavior Genetics, Vol 29(2), 131-136.

O’Regan J Kevin, Rensink Ronald A, Clark James J. (1999). Change-blindness as a result of « mudsplashes. ». Nature, 398, 34.

Tordjman S, Antoine C, Cohen D J, Carlier M, Roubertoux P, Ferrari P. (1999). Etude des conduites auto-agressives, de la reactivite a la douleur et de leurs interrelations chez les enfants autistes. L’Encephale, 25, 122-134.

Vuontela V, Rämä P, Raninen A, Aronen HJ, Carlson S. (1999). Selective interference reveals dissociation between memory for location and colour. NeuroReport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 10, 2235-2240.



Carlson S, Martinkauppi S, Rämä P, Salli E, Korvenoja A, Aronen HJ. (1998). Distribution of cortical activation during visuospatial n-back tasks as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Cerebral Cortex, 8, 743-752. (PDF)

Lhote Myriam, Streri Arlette. (1998). Haptic memory and handedness in 2-month-old infants. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 3, 173-192.

Le Roy Isabelle, Roubertoux Pierre L, Jamot Laure, Maarouf Fatima, Tordjman Sylvie, Mortaud Stephane, Blanchard Caroline, Martin Benoit, Guillot Pascale-Valerie, Duquenne Vincent. (1998). Neuronal and behavioral differences between Mus musculus domesticus (C57BL/6JBy) and Mus musculus castaneus (CAST/Ei). Behavioural Brain Research, Vol 95(1), 135-142.

Nazzi ThierryBertoncini Josiane, Mehler Jacques. (1998). Language discrimination by newborns: Toward an understanding of the role of rhythm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 24, 756-766. (PDF)

Nazzi Thierry, Floccia Caroline, Bertoncini Josiane. (1998). Discrimination of pitch contours by neonates. Infant Behavior and Development, 21, 779-784. (PDF)

Nazir Tatjana A, Jacobs Arthur M, O’Regan J Kevin. (1998). Letter legibility and visual word recognition. Memory and Cognition, 26, 810-821.

O’Regan JK. (1998). No evidence for neural filling in -Vision as illusion – Pinning down « enaction ». Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 21.

Reilly Ronan G, O’Regan J Kevin. (1998). Eye movement control during reading: A simulation of some word-targeting strategies. Vision Research, 38, 303-317.

Roubertoux Pierre L, Mortaud Stephane, Tordjman Sylvie, Le Roy Isabelle, Degrelle Herve. (1998). Behavior-genetic analysis and aggression: The mouse as a prototype. Advances in psychological science, Vol. 2: Biological and cognitive aspects, 3-29.

Tordjman Sylvie, Spitz Elisabeth, Antoine Corinne, Carlier Michele, Roubertoux Pierre. (1998). Profils biologiques et comportementaux de l’autisme infantile: Interets d’une approche integree. Psychologie Francaise, Vol 43(2), 185-195.



Bijeljac-Babic R, Biardeau A, Grainger J. (1997). Masked orthographic priming in bilingual word recognition. Memory and Cognition, Vol 25(4), 447-457.

Carlson S, Rämä P, Artchakov D, Linnankoski I. (1997). Effects of music and white noise on working memory performance in monkeys. Neuroreport, 8, 2853-2856.

Carlson S, Rämä P, Tanila H, Linnankoski I, Mansikka H. (1997). Dissociation of mnemonic coding and other functional neuronal processing in the monkey prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 77, 761-774. (PDF)

Fagard J, Pezé A. (1997). Age changes in interlimb coupling and the development of bimanual coordination. Journal of Motor Behavior, 29, 199-208.

Rensink Ronald A, O’Regan J Kevin, Clark James J. (1997). To see or not to see: The need for attention to perceive changes in scenes. Psychological Science, 8, 368-373.

Rämä P, Kesseli K, Reinikainen K, Kekoni J, Hämäläinen H, Carlson S. (1997). Visuospatial mnemonic load modulates event-related slow potentials. Neuroreport: An International Journal for the Rapid Communication of Research in Neuroscience, 8, 871-876.

Rämä P, Linnankoski I, Carlson S. (1997). The effects of alpha-2 agonist, medetomidine and its antagonist, atipamezole on reaction and movement times in a visual choice reaction time task in monkeys. Brain Research Bulletin, 44, 171-175. (PDF)

Tordjman S, Zittoun C, Ferrari P, Flament M, Jeammet P. (1997). A comparative study od defense styles of bulimic, anorexic and normal females. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 34, 222-227.

Tordjman Sylvie, Anderson George M, McBride P Anne, Hertzig Margaret E, Snow Margaret E, Hall Laura M, Thompson Seth M, Ferrari Pierre, Cohen Donald J. (1997). Plasma β-endorphin, adrenocorticotropin hormone, and cortisol in autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol 38(6), 705-715.

Tordjman Sylvie, Ferrari Pierre, Sulmont Veronique, Duyme Michel, Roubertoux Pierre. (1997). Androgenic activity in autism. American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 154(11), 1626-1627.



Fagard JJacquet A- Y. (1996). Changes in reaching and grasping objects of different sizes between 7 and 13 months of age. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 14, 65-78.

Ninio Jacques, O’Regan J Kevin. (1996). The half-Zollner Illusion. Perception, 25, 77-94.

Rämä P, Linnankoski I, Tanila H, Pertovaara A, Carlson S. (1996). Medetomidine, atipamezole, and guanfacine in delayed response performance of aged monkeys. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 55, 415-422. (PDF)

Tanila H, Rämä P, Carlson S. (1996). The effects of prefrontal intracortical microinjections of an alpha-2 agonist, alpha-2 antagonist and lidocaine on the delayed alternation performance of aged rats. Brain Research Bulletin, 40, 117-119. (PDF)

Streri A, Gouarir S. (1996). Handedness: left/right differences in object holding and lotor skills in 6-month-old infants. Current Psychology of Cognition, 15, 209-230.



Bertoncini Josiane, Floccia Caroline, Nazzi Thierry, Mehler Jacques. (1995). Morae and syllables: Rhythmical basis of speech representations in neonates. Language and Speech, 38, 311-329.

Hietanen JK, Rämä P. (1995). Facilitation and interference occur at different stages of processing in the Simon paradigm. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 7, 183-199.

Rämä P, Carlson S, Kekoni J, Hämäläinen H. (1995). A spatial oculomotor memory-task performance produces a task-related slow shift in human electroencephalography. Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, 94, 371-380. (PDF)

Segond H, Streri A. (1995). Mieux percevoir la forme des objets à deux mois: main droite ou main gauche?. Enfance, 2, 155-164.

Treiman R, MullennixJ, Bijeljac-Babic R, Richmond-Welty ED. (1995). The special role of rimes in the description use and acquisition of English orthography. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 124, 107-136.

Tordjman Sylvie, Anderson George M, McBride P Anne, Hertzig Margaret E. (1995). Plasma androgens in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 25, 295-304.

Vitu Francoise, O’Regan J Kevin, Inhoff Albrecht W, Topolski Richard. (1995). Mindless reading: Eye-movement characteristics are similar in scanning letter strings and reading texts. Perception & Psychophysics, 57, 352-364.



Guez J E, Marchal P, Le Gargasson J F, Grall Y, O’Regan J K. (1994). Eye fixations near corners: evidence for a centre of gravity calculation based on contrast, rather than luminance or curvatureVision Research, 34, 1625-35.

O’Regan JK. (1994). The world as an outside memory _ no strong internal metric means no problem of visual acuity. Behaviour Brain Sciences, 17, 270-271

Streri Arlette. (1994). Perceptual-motor and sensorimotor development / Developpement perceptif moteur et sensori-moteur. Psychologie Francaise, 39, 23-28.

Tordjman Sylvie, Zittoun Catherine, Anderson George M, Flament Martine. (1994). Preliminary study of eating disorders among French female adolescents and young adults. International Journal of Eating Disorders, Vol 16(3), 301-305.



Bijeljac-Babic RankaBertoncini Josiane, Mehler Jacques. (1993). How do 4-day-old infants categorize multisyllabic utterances?. Developmental Psychology, 29, 711-721.

Guez Jean Eric, le Gargasson Jean Francois, Rigaudiere Florence, O’Regan J Kevin. (1993). Is there a systematic location for the pseudo-fovea in patients with central scotoma?. Vision Research, 33, 1271-1279.

Inhoff Albrecht W, Topolski Richard Vitu Francoise, O’Regan J Kevin. (1993). Attention demands during reading and the occurrence of brief (express) fixations. Perception & Psychophysics, 54, 814-823.

Streri Arlette, Molina Michele. (1993). Visual-tactual and tactual-visual transfer between objects and pictures in 2-month-old infants. Perception, 22, 1299-1318.

Streri Arlette, Molina Michele, Milhet Sylvie. (1993). What information is transferred between vision and touch in infants? Studies on shape and weight / Quelles informations sont reellement transferees entre la vision et le toucher chez le bebe? L’exemple de la forme et du poids. Psychologie Francaise, 38, 53-62.

Streri Arlette, Spelke Elizabeth, Rameix E. (1993). Modality-specific and amodal aspects of object perception in infancy: The case of active touch. Cognition, 47, 251-279.



Carlson S, Tanila H, Rämä P, Mecke E, Pertovaara A. (1992). Effect of medetomidine, an alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist and atipamezole, an alpha-2 antagonist on spatial memory performance in adult and aged rats. Behavioral and Neural Biology, 58, 113-119.

Fagard J, Pezé A. (1992). Coupling and lateralization in bimanual coordination at 7, 8, and 9 years of age. Developmental Neuropsychology, 8, 69-85.

Grainger Jonathan, O’Regan J Kevin. (1992). A psychophysical investigation of language priming effects in two English^French bilinguals. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 4, 323-339.

Grainger Jonathan, O’Regan J Kevin, Jacobs Arthur M, Segui Juan. (1992). Neighborhood frequency effects and letter visibility in visual word recognition. Perception & Psychophysics, 51, 49-56.

Holmes V M, O’Regan J K. (1992). Reading derivationally affixed French words. Language and Cognitive Processes, 7, 163-192.

O’Regan J K, Jacobs Arthur M. (1992). Optimal viewing position effect in word recognition: A challenge to current theory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18, 185-197.

O’Regan J Kevin. (1992). Solving the « real » mysteries of visual perception: The world as an outside memory. Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue Canadienne de Psychologie, 46, 461-488.



Nazir Tatjana A, O’Regan J Kevin, Jacobs Arthur M. (1991). On words and their letters. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 29, 171-174.

Streri Arlette. (1991). Space and inter-modality relations / L’espace et les relations inter-modalites. L’annee Psychologique, 91, 87-102.



Jusczyk Peter W, Bertoncini JosianeBijeljac-Babic Ranka, Kennedy Lori J. (1990). The role of attention in speech perception by young infants. Cognitive Development, 5, 265-286.

Nazir Tatjana A, O’Regan J Kevin. (1990). Some results on translation invariance in the human visual system. Spatial Vision, 5, 81-100.

Pineau Arlette, Streri Arlette. (1990). Intermodal transfer of spatial arrangement of the component parts of an object in infants aged 4-5 months. Perception, 19, 795-804.

Vitu F, O’Regan J K, Mittau M. (1990). Optimal landing position in reading isolated words and continuous text. Perception & Psychophysics, 47, 583-600.

1989 - 1973


Bertoncini J, Morais J, Bijeljac-Babic R, McAdams S, Peretz I, Mehler J. (1989). Dichotic perception and laterality in neonates. Brain Lang.

Fagard JJacquet A-Y. (1989). Onset of bimanual coordination and symmetry versus asymmetry of movement. Infant Behavior and Development, 12, 229-235.

Grainger Jonathan, O’Regan J Kevin, Jacobs Arthur M, Segui Juan. (1989). On the role of competing word units in visual word recognition: The neighborhood frequency effect. Perception & Psychophysics, 45, 189-195.

O’Regan J K, Humbert R. (1989). Estimating psychometric functions in forced-choice situations: Significant biases found in threshold and slope estimations when small samples are used. Perception & Psychophysics, 46, 434-442.

Streri Arlette, Spelke Elizabeth S. (1989). Effects of motion and figural goodness on haptic object perception in infancy. Child Development, 60, 1111-1125.



Bertoncini JosianeBijeljac-Babic Ranka, Jusczyk Peter W, Kennedy Lori J. (1988). An investigation of young infants’ perceptual representations of speech sounds. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 117, 21-33.

Fagard J. (1988). Coordination bimanuelle et trouble d’apprentissage de la lecture. Bulletin d’audiophonologie, IV, 509-520.

O’Regan J Kevin. (1988). Toward a new theory of eye guidance in reading / Vers une nouvelle theorie du guidage oculaire dans la lecture. Bulletin de Psychologie, 42, 544-548.

Streri Arlette, Milhet Sylvie. (1988). Intermodal transfer in object’s shape between vision and touch in 2-month-old infants / Equivalences intermodales de la forme des objets entre la vision et le toucher chez les bebes de 2 mois. L’annee Psychologique, 88, 329-341.

Streri Arlette, Spelke Elizabeth S. (1988). Haptic perception of objects in infancy. Cognitive Psychology, 20, 1-23.



Bertoncini JBijeljac-Babic R, Blumstein SE, Mehler J. (1987). Discrimination in neonates of very short CVs. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 82, 31-37.

Coeffe C, O’Regan J K. (1987). Reducing the influence of non-target stimuli on saccade accuracy: Predictability and latency effects. Vision Research, 27, 227-240.

Fagard J. (1987). Bimanual stereotypes: bimanual coordination in children as a function of movements and relative velocity. Journal of Motor Behavior, 19, 355-366.

Fagard J. (1987). Does manual asymmetry of right-handers change between six and nine years of age?. Human Movement Science, 6, 321-332.

Fagard J, Barbin Y. (1987). Apprentissage moteur bimanuel : couplage et découplage dans l’élaboration de nouvelles synergies. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/Current Psychology of Cognition, 7, 561- 572.

Jacobs Arthur M, O’Regan J Kevin. (1987). Spatial and/or temporal adjustments of scanning behavior to visibility changes. Acta Psychologica, 65, 133-146.

O’Regan JK, Lévy-Shoen A. (1987). Eye-movement stategy and tactics in word recognition and reading. Attention & Performance., 12, 363-383.

Streri Arlette. (1987). Tactile discrimination of shape and intermodal transfer in 2- to 3-month-old infants. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 5, 213-220.

Tiberghien G, O’Regan JK. (1987). Initiation to psychopysics – french -. Année Psychologique., 87, 110-111.



Lecuyer R, Streri A. (1986). Information intake during habituation in infants: Links between visual and tactual habituation. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/Current Psychology of Cognition, 6, 565-574.

Pecheux M- G, Streri A. (1986). The space of objects: Introduction / L’espace des objets: Introduction. Psychologie Francaise, 31, 61-65.

Rayner K, O’Regan JK. (1986). Eye-movements in reading perceptual and language processes. Année Psychologique., 86, 129-130.

Streri Arlette, Pecheux Marie Germaine. (1986). Tactual habituation and discrimination of form in infancy: A comparison with vision. Child Development, 57, 100-104.

Streri Arlette, Pecheux Marie Germaine. (1986). Vision-to-touch and touch-to-vision transfer of form in 5-month-old infants. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 4, 161-167.



Fagard J, Morioka M, Wolff P H. (1985). Early stages in the acquisition of a bimanual motor skill. Neuropsychologia, 23, 535-543.

O’Regan J K, Pynte J, Coeffe C. (1985). How the eye explores an isolated word / Comment le regard explore un mot isole. Bulletin de Psychologie, 39, 429-432.

Pineau A, Streri A. (1985). Study of the invariance of a spatial relationship with 4 to 9 month-old infants: To be between 2 objects / Etude de l’invariance d’une relation spatiale chez les bebes de 4 a 9 mois: etre entre deux objets. L’annee Psychologique, 85, 489-502.



O’Regan J K. (1984). Retinal versus extraretinal influences in flash localization during saccadic eye movements in the presence of a visible background. Perception & Psychophysics, 36, 1-14.

O’Regan J K, Levy-Schoen A, Pynte J, Brugaillière B. (1984). Convenient Fixation Location Within Isolated Words of Different Length and Structure: Correction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 10, 393.

O’Regan J K, Levy-Schoen A, Pynte J, Brugaillère B. (1984). Convenient fixation location within isolated words of different length and structure. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 10, 250-257.

O’Regan JK, Lévy-Shoen A, Renault C. (1984). Is the underestimation of distances in peripheral-vision a sensory phenomenon, a mnemonic phenomenon,or is st caused by response factors?. Behaviour Brain Reseach., 12, 217-218.



Fagard J. (1983). Symétrie et asymétrie dans le contrôle bimanuel chez l’enfant et chez l’adulte. La Médecine Infantile, 3, 307-309.

O’Regan J K, Levy-Schoen A. (1983). Integrating visual information from successive fixations: Does trans-saccadic fusion exist?. Vision Research, 23, 765-768.

O’Regan JK, Lévy-ShoenA, JacobsA. (1983). The effect of visibility on eye movement parameters in reading. Perception & Psychophysics., 34, 457-464.



Camus J F, Gerard C, Streri A. (1982). Role of knowledge of results in the verification of a geometry puzzle / Role de la connaissance de resultats dans le controle de la resolution d’un puzzle geometrique. Bulletin de Psychologie, 35, 325-331.

Fagard J. (1982). Le contrôle moteur chez l’enfant de 6 à 10 ans : flexibilité, implusivité, inhibition. Enfance, 5, 395-399.



Bijeljac-Babic R, Hiriateborde E, Kohen-Raz R. (1981). Note sur les relations entre ataxiometrie, statokinesimetrie et instabilite. Enfance, 3, 187-194.

Holmes V M, O’Regan J K. (1981). Eye fixation patterns during the reading of relative-clause sentences. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 20, 417-430.

HolmesV, O’Regan JK. (1981). Effects of syntactic structure on eye fixations during reading. Journal of Verbal Leaning and Verbal behavior., 417-430.

Kapoula Z, O’Regan K, Levy-Schoen A. (1981). Fundamental processes in the reading and comprehension of written language: Study of the regulation of fixation duration in a simplified reading task / Processus fondamentaux en œuvre dans la lecture et la compréhension du langage écrit: Etude de la régul. Psychologie Française, 26, 102-109.

McClelland James L, O’Regan J K. (1981). Expectations increase the benefit derived from parafoveal visual information in reading words aloud. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 7, 634-644.

McClelland James L, O’Regan J K. (1981). On visual and contextual factors in reading: A reply to Rayner and Slowiaczek. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 7, 652-657.

Maury L, Streri A. (1981). Search of an object: Modifications of spatial references in the 8 to 14 month old infant / Recherche de l’objet: Modifications des references spatiales chez le bebe de 8 a 14 mois. L’annee Psychologique, 81, 51-67.

Streri A. (1981). Language, thought and reference / Langage, pensee et reference. Psychologie Francaise, 26, 289-297.



O’Regan JK. (1980). The control of saccade size and fixation duration in reading: the limits of linguistic control. Perception & Psychophysics, 28, 112-117.

Streri, A. (1980). Etude génétique des « production et compréhension » des pronoms anaphoriques dans une situation de reprise de discours. Archives de Psychologie de Genève, vol. XLVIII, 184, 41-58.



O’Regan JK. (1979). Saccade size control in reading: Evidence for the linguistic control hypothesis. Perception & Psychophysics, 25, 501-509.

Streri A. (1979). A genetic study of the production of utterances with « to want » and « to say » obtained from a picture. L’annee Psychologique, 79, 347-361.



O’Regan JK. (1978). A new horizontal eye movement calibration method: Subject-controlled « smooth pursuit » and « zero drift. ». Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 10, 393-397.

O’Regan JK, Levy-Schoen A. (1978). Eye movements during reading. L’année Psychologique, 78, 459-492.



de Boysson-Bardies B, O’Regan JK. (1973). What children do in spite of adults’ hypotheses. Nature, 246, 531-534.

Beaudichon, J. & Strock, A. (1973). Etude du décalage entre langage oral et langage écrit. Enfance, 353-375.