Adeline Depierreux
Research engineer
After a degree in biology and a Masters in fundamental and comparative ethology, I joined Babylab as a research engineer. My role is to assist Olivier Mascaro in his research, in particular by carrying out work on social cognition in babies, and on learning words by visiting nursery and primary schools.
Ongoing project
Vicarious Social Touch perception in infants
The aim of this project is to investigate the physiological, behavioural and neural responses of infants to social-tactile interactions.
Project team lead
Olivier Mascaro
Project team lead
Louise Krisch
FoundTrust: The neurocognitive bases of epistemic trust
The willingness to believe communicated information (or epistemic trust) plays a central role in human cognitive development. The aim of this project is to characterize its development in the first years of life.
Project team lead
Olivier Mascaro
Investigating cognitive processes underlying food learning in infancy -F.E.E.D your mind
The aim of the F.E.E.D. your mind project is to shed light on the cognitive processes underlying food learning in infancy and provide empirical bases to design such interventions
Project team lead
Camille Rioux