Viviane Huet
Babylab manager and research assistant

Maxine and I supervise and train the experimenters.
I’m also taking part in studies at the Cochin – Port-Royal and Debré hospitals in collaboration with Léa Guéret, Marianne Barbu-Roth and Jessica Dubois.
If you call our laboratory, Maxine or I will be happy to help.
Ongoing project
Linking early phonolexical acquisition and later vocabulary development
In this project, we test the proposal that a crucial milestone in language acquisition is reached when infants discover which sounds (consonants versus vowels) are more important at the lexical level in their native language, leading to an acceleration of subsequent vocabulary development.

Project team lead
Thierry Nazzi
Early development of cerebral representations of the body in infants: explorations in neuroimaging and behaviour
The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of how a baby’s brain perceives and represents different parts of its body in the first few months after birth, using functional magnetic resonance imaging and behavioural assessments.

Project collaborator
Marianne Barbu-Roth
Effect of early training in crawling using a mini skateboard on the locomotor and motor development of very premature cerebral palsy patients
The project consists of evaluating the feasibility and effectiveness of 8 weeks of early stimulation training in quadruped walking on a mini skateboard, the Crawli skate, in 50 very premature babies at high risk of neurodevelopmental disorders and followed longitudinally.

Project collaborator
Marianne Barbu-Roth
Adaptation of a digital tool for assessing children’s language skills in nursery school.

Project team lead
Thierry Nazzi

Project team lead
Ranka Bijeljac-Babić
Prosodic grouping biases from birth to adulthood in monolingual speakers
This project studies how adults and young children use variations in intensity, duration and intonation to group syllables into word units.

Project team lead
Thierry Nazzi
Characterisation of the processing of acoustic cues and speech processing in noise in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired children with mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss – SPINTAE
In this large-scale study, we aim to evaluate the processing abilities of different acoustic indices between 5 and 10 years of age in children without hearing problems and those with sensorineural hearing loss.

Project team lead
Laurianne Cabrera
Perception of sibilant consonants and understanding of plurals in hearing-impaired children – LaulauH
The objective is to understand to what extent a deficit in perception of certain sounds, such as “s” and “z”, when they are heard in background noise, can have an impact on oral comprehension of the plural in subject-verb agreement.

Project team lead
Laurianne Cabrera
Development of the auditory system and speech perception in infants- BabySIN
On the one hand, the cerebral processing of different acoustic variations of sounds is studied in 3-month-old infants using the electroencephalography technique. On the other hand, the ability to perceive speech in noise in these infants is measured using an observation technique.

Project team lead
Laurianne Cabrera
Proccesing phonological information while learning and recognizing words
It has been proposed that consonants carry more weight than vowels in lexical processing. Given the timing of acquisition observed in French, we have proposed that this consonant bias emerges in connection with phonological and (proto)lexical acquisition, a hypothesis we are currently testing.

Project team lead
Thierry Nazzi
Predicting language outcomes in typical development
We explore how elementary perception and learning mechanisms are linked to language acquisition. To this end, we test infants on different perception and learning mechanisms, at different stages of their development and up to 2-3 years of age.

Project team lead
Thierry Nazzi
Language acquisition in atypical development
Knowing the mechanisms underlying typical language acquisition also makes it possible to explore whether or not these mechanisms are present in populations with atypical language acquisition and could be involved in their learning difficulties.

Project team lead
Thierry Nazzi
Lexical-semantic development
Our studies aim to understand the neural mechanisms underlying this development in monolingual and bilingual children.

Project team lead
Pia Rämä
Acquisition of phonological biases in lexical processing
We aim to understand how different types of sounds, as well as their arrangements within the words of a language, influence the acquisition and lexical processing of French, German, and Franco-German bilingual speakers.

Project team lead
Thierry Nazzi
Vocabulary growth and sound symbolism
Our aim is to study whether the sensitivity to sound symbolism in infancy is linked to emerging vocabulary skills.

Project team lead
Pia Rämä
Voice familiarity in the processing of word meanings
This project aims to investigate whether familiarity with the speaker’s voice facilitates lexical-semantic processing in infants.

Project team lead
Pia Rämä
Selected Publications
– Dumuids-Vernet MV, Forma V, Provasi J, Anderson D, Hinnekens E, Soyez E, Strassel M, Guéret L, Hym C, Huet V, Granjon L, Calamy L, Dassieu G; Boujenah L, Dollat C, Biran V, Barbu-Roth M (2023). Stimulating the Motor Development of Very Premature Infants : Effects of Early Crawling Training on a Mini-Skateboard. Frontiers Pediatrics
– Barbu-Roth M, Siekerman K, Anderson D, Donnely A, Huet V, Goffinet F, Teulier C (2021). Can Optic Flow Further Stimulate Treadmill-Elicited Stepping in Newborns? Frontiers in Psychology
– Forma V, Anderson D, Provasi J, Soyez E, Martial M, Huet V, Granjon L, Goffinet F, Barbu-Roth